The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) is designed to create equal opportunities for people with disabilities and prohibit forms of discrimination directed toward disabled people. The ADA states that an employer must make reasonable accommodations for people with a known physical disability or a cognitive disability unless the accommodation would create an undue hardship on the business’s overall operations. Understanding your rights as an employee can be tricky, and it is sometimes hard for people to request accommodations since they are unsure how the request will be received. We’ve outlined some of the details of reasonable accommodations to help you gain a better overall understanding.

Many Accommodations Cost Very Little Money

Most people with a physical disability or a cognitive disability don’t want to create an undue hardship for their employer. However, they also want to do their jobs as well as possible. People with disabilities don’t usually want to be treated any differently than others, so they hesitate to ask for what they need to make their lives easier. In many situations, the accommodations needed cost very little money to an employer, and sometimes it doesn’t cost any money at all. 

Something as simple as raising or lowering a desk takes a few minutes to achieve and can make a huge difference in productivity. But even if you need a more ergonomic chair to help you sit more comfortably with less pain, this type of request falls under reasonable accommodations and would not create an undue burden for the employer.

You Have A Right To Ask For Reasonable Accommodations

It’s your right to ask for a reasonable accommodation to help you do your job better or more efficiently. Most employers are willing to help you out, especially if the cost of doing so is minimal. Too many people hesitate to ask for these accommodations because of the fear of getting fired or looked down on. But if the employer truly understands accessibility standards, then they should have no problem looking into your concern and accommodating as much as possible. 

Work With Your Employer To Find A Compromise

There’s a balance to find between making too many requests and keeping your requests to just those that help you do your job better. Don’t hesitate to discuss potential accommodations with your employer and be open to compromising with them if some requests may be costly. For example, installing a wheelchair ramp, stair lift, or other accessibility products may cost more than simply raising or lowering a desk. If those costs are unreasonable for your employer, a compromise may be to allow you to work remotely a couple of times each week so you won’t have to put your body through as much strain going to work. 

Working with your employer to find reasonable accommodations can tremendously help people with a physical disability or a cognitive disability. Next Day Access is here to help as well, so feel free to Nous contacter at any time.