For individuals who have difficulty moving around, mobility aids can mean a greater level of independence and freedom. A person with an injury or disability who has trouble with movement and older adults who have an increased risk of falling can use an aid such as an electric scooter or a wheelchair. There are a number of devices and modifications available to help those with mobility difficulties.
Mobility Scooters
A mobility scooter is similar in use to a wheelchair, but also has a few distinct differences. The user sits on a seat on top of a set of wheels and their feet rest on footplates. In front of the individual are handlebars or a steering wheel used to direct the electric scooter, much like driving a car. Most scooters are powered by a battery.
A person who lacks upper body strength or doesn’t have the flexibility to use a manual wheelchair may benefit from using a mobility scooter. For those who are using one for the first time or those who are obtaining a scooter rental, training is usually available to help ensure safety.
Fauteuils roulants
A manual wheelchair is often used by individuals who cannot put weight on their legs, or those who are not able to walk. They are propelled manually, either by the person who is sitting in the chair or by someone pushing from behind. They may also be electrically powered and can be adapted to an individual’s abilities to handle it. Specialized wheelchairs are often driven by a hand controller, but they can be customized to fit the individual. Some adaptations include driving an electric wheelchair with head or leg movements, or even with the mouth.
Safety Modifications for Height Differences
Safety modifications are useful in homes and public spaces where there are changes in the height of surfaces. Modifications are helpful for individuals who are navigating through different places in wheelchairs or a mobility scooter. Other modifications may include:
- Access Ramps: Ramps are used in place of stairs allowing individuals using scooters and wheelchairs access to multiple levels. Other individuals who may navigate with canes, walkers, or crutches may find a ramp easier to use than steps as well.
- Stair Lifts: A stair lift can be useful for moving a person up or down stairs.
- Hand Rails: Restrooms and entrances are often equipped with handrails to provide assistance, stability, and support to those who deal with mobility issues.
Do you or a loved one need mobility assistance? At Next Day Access we want to help individuals gain more freedom. Nous contacter to learn more about how a wheelchair or mobility scooter can help provide more independence and freedom.