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Zinger Power Chairs in Colorado Springs

We have power chairs to meet your needs. This versatile Zinger Chair power chair allows you to move confidently and safely from level to level, all while aging in place.

  • Folds Fast & Easy
  • Lightweight & Portable
  • Use It Anywhere
  • It’s Easy To Operate

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“Love my Zinger! Easy to get around independent living sight – it pulls right up to any table – dining or card table. Much easier to use than the scooter – which I gave away! Thanks” 

John M.

Big Advantages In A Power Chair

With Zinger, you won’t need a scooter lift…or even to take apart or put together a scooter to transport it between rides. Just pull the one-touch cable and Zinger folds or unfolds in seconds. Roll it like a suitcase and put it in the trunk or back seat of your car. It’s fast…and fun…and goes for miles and miles between charges. Only a Zinger does all this and more:

Easily Scales Inclines

The Zinger is capable of climbing up to a 10° incline. As a general reference, ADA-compliant wheelchair ramps are 5º or less.

Turns On A Dime

No other power mobility product maneuvers like a Zinger. The patented two-lever driving system makes tight turns a breeze. Watch it literally turn on a dime.

Goes Almost Everywhere

Life’s inevitable bumps in the road won’t stop your Zinger. While it’s not built for beach sand or other off roading, the powerful motor and low center of gravity let you go most places without risk of tipping. Grass, gravel or bumps up to 2″ are no problem in your Zinger. Take a look.ass or gaps smaller than two inches.

Fits Under A Table

Just drive right up to a table or desk. No changing chairs needed!

Zinger Chair Photos