People with mobility concerns often struggle with raised entryways and landings, even if it’s just a couple of inches. When you’re planning to invite guests to your home for a holiday event, taking a close evaluation of these entryways and landings can make a huge difference for some of your guests. These could include steps to enter your home, sunken dining rooms or living rooms, raised thresholds to enter the bathroom or other rooms, and more. The goal should be to create smooth surfaces throughout your home, especially if you have a guest in a wheelchair. Placing a threshold ramp in certain areas of the home can make a significant difference and create a safe environment for your guests with mobility concerns.

Eliminate Common Trip Hazards With A Threshold Ramp

It doesn’t take much of an elevation change to create a trip hazard for people who don’t have a lot of balance or stability. And for people in a wheelchair or mobility scooter, a raised surface as little as one-inch can be an obstruction. Another common trip hazard during the holidays is extension cords that power your holiday decorations. You may have them taped down along the walls and across entryways, but a person with mobility concerns can easily trip on them if they don’t see them or misjudge how high they need to pick up their feet. A threshold ramp is a simple solution to eliminate these types of hazards.

Evaluate Other Areas Of Concern In Your Home

Think about where your guests will need to go inside your home. If you have a two-story home, then evaluate whether there’s any reason why your guests will need to access the second story. Assuming you have everything you need for them downstairs, then ensure common areas like the kitchen, dining room, bathroom, and other rooms are easily accessible for everyone. And remember to assess the outdoor space as well. The entryway to your home may include a step and if you have a back porch or patio, be sure to install a threshold ramp in areas that may be accessed there as well.

Make Entryways And Hallways Wheelchair Accessible

Entryways and hallways can be made wheelchair accessible simply by installing threshold ramps in many situations. You may not necessarily be able to make these spaces wider for wheelchair users, but eliminating any type of raised surface can make a world of difference for them. Consider removing tables and other types of decor you have that could obstruct a person’s ability to walk down hallways easily. Eliminating these possible trip hazards are equally as important as placing a threshold ramp to cover raised surfaces.

Next Day Access can help you eliminate any potential hazards if you have people with mobility concerns visiting your home this holiday season. What many people don’t realize is how simple and portable certain mobility products and aids are. A simple threshold ramp can make a huge difference to a person in a wheelchair or anyone that has trouble walking. Before you host guests this holiday season, Nous contacter to schedule a free home assessment to ensure your home is accessible for everyone.