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Healthcraft PT RAIL


Healthcraft PT RAIL

Designed to provide a reliable grip and support in key areas such as stairwells and bathrooms, the Healthcraft PT RAIL is a vital addition to any accessibility-conscious home.

This adjustable handrail is perfect for bathrooms or navigating small sets of steps.  The sturdy, offset rail reduces wrist strain.  When not in use, the rail can be pushed flush against the adjoining wall.

Contact Your Accessibility Expert

Contact Your Local Accessibility Expert.

Experience the freedom and security of the Healthcraft PT RAIL with the dedicated support of your local accessibility expert at Next Day Access. Our trained and compassionate professionals are on hand to assess your unique needs, providing tailored solutions that integrate the Healthcraft PT RAIL seamlessly into your living space. From consultation to installation and beyond, our team is committed to enhancing your independence and well-being.

Contact your local expert today, and let Next Day Access guide you toward a more accessible tomorrow.

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Installation of the Healthcraft PT Rail

At Next Day Access, our certified technicians are experts in installing the Healthcraft PT Rail with precision and care. We begin with a detailed evaluation of your space, understanding your specific needs, and ensuring the PT Rail is positioned exactly where you need support. Our meticulous installation guarantees that the rail provides solid stability, whether in a bathroom, stairwell, or hallway. Post-installation, we provide a comprehensive demonstration, so you feel confident and comfortable using the Healthcraft PT Rail every day.

Trust in Next Day Access to make the installation of your Healthcraft PT Rail a hassle-free and satisfying experience, all with your individual needs in mind.

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